Welcome to the Communication  Department

        'Sharing the gospel of God's love to all people'

1. Click here to view departmental details 2. Click here to view our time management 3. Click here to view our success stories

Communication Department

Due to the loss of the PA System and other Church items, the Communication Department is appealing to all willing brethren to help bring the Church and especialy the Department to life once again, any little you can contribute will make a difference. For more infomation, call or email the Communication Secretary.

1. Departmental details

Name: Michelo K. Hamainza

Position: Leader

Cell: +260966211327

Email: michelohk@yahoo.com


Name: Catherine Chipoya

Position: Member

Cell: +260965205844



Name: Malesu H. Malesu

Position: Member




Name: Simon Phiri

Position: Member

Cell: +260976064386 







Name: Lweendo Malesu

Position: Member

Cell: +260978180017


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2. Our Time Management

 Date Event Location Resource Person
2 Quarter Constructing A Booth  Church Communication Secretary
 2nd Quarter  Purchase of Snake Cable  Church Communication Secretary
 2nd Quarter  Putting up a P. A. Rack  Church Communication Secretary
 2nd Quarter - 22 June  Review of the Website Page updates  Church Communications Department
 3rd Quarter - 21 Sept  Review of the Website Page updates   Church Communications Department
4th Quarter - 21 Dec  Review of the Communication Department Year Activities   Church Communications Department

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3. Our Success stories

Story Description Story Pictures





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Kabwata SDA Church Website 2014