Welcome to the Family Life Department


                        'Helping families grow in love & live in harmony as the family of God'

1. Click here to view departmental details 2. Click here to view our time management 3. Click here to view our success stories

 The Department of Family Ministries seeks to strengthen, inspire hope, and bring healing to marriages, families, and individuals through the abundant love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

The over-arching objective of Family Ministries is to strengthen the family as a discipling center. The family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution. It is the primary setting in which values are learned and the capacity for close relationships with God and with other human beings is developed.

1. Departmental details


Name: Fleah Himambo

Position: Leader

Cell: 0978-613049






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2. Our Time Management

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3. Our Success stories

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Kabwata SDA Church Website 2014